$6,910 buys world’s best headphone sound


Interesting timing for the review after the Videophile roundup…those of you that are audiophiles start saving your pennies and maybe you can gush as much as reviewer Steve Guttenberg (no, not the one from Police Academy). But wow…that’s a lot of coin for a headphone setup. 


Listening to my older Grado RS-1 and Sennheiser HD-580 headphones plugged into a Woo Audio WA 6 SE headphone amplifier, the sound was more "contained"–flatter, and more two-dimensional than the Woo/Stax combo. Those two dynamic headphones are, on their own, still excellent, but they now sound veiled compared with the Woo Audio WES/Stax SR-007Mk2. The magnitude of difference is huge, and that’s rare in the audio reviewing game. I’m still trying to take it all in.