Why I Won’t Buy Apple’s iTV

Dave Zatz puts his $0.02 into how he feels about Apple's new product, iTV, and doesn't pull any punches. I'm curious to see how it fares, but I think how poorly the original FrontRow software did in the market is a sign that maybe this just isn't the market for Apple.

First off, early reports pegged this device at a max output of 720p (which would have been OK with me) but Apple’s tech specs clearly indicate this will handle video at up to 1080i. What I’m bothered with as a consumer is that a Mac or PC is needed as an intermediary for iTunes video purchases. With a 40GB hard drive, it’s probably safe to say at some point they’ll take the computer out of the equation… right?  

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And not to be outdone, Chris Lanier also gives his take of the iTV as well, and why he doesn't like it. Check it out here