TiVo, Amazon offer video downloads that can be viewed on TV sets

Amazon and Tivo have decided they would make great bed mates. The new service call Amazon Unbox will be issued out on Wednesday as part of a test to an unspecified amount of TiVo users. Hot on the heals of Wal-Marts announcement, Amazon hopes to one up them by allowing downloads with a remote. This should give a much needed boost to Amazon's service because of TiVo's large install base.
Question to our readers. Do any of you use a download service for movies? Or do you prefer the disc method for your movie watching?
From the article:
Videos may be sent to a TiVo box or a computer and can also be used on
portable devices. Videos also don't have to be stored permanently on a
customer's hard drive — they can be downloaded again from Unbox after
being purchased.
Initially, the companies will offer videos from CBS, Fox, Lionsgate,
Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios Home Entertainment and Warner
Unbox videos presently come with copyright protection based on
Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system. Those sold through the TiVo
service will use a different technology to allow them to play on the
TiVo's Linux-based system, officials said.