HD DVD Promotions Group to Spielberg Fans: Whoops!


The format follies war took a turn for funny today. A week ago or so, we reported that a bunch of Spielberg classics like Jaws were going to make it to HD DVD this year. Welp, as it turns out they were mistaken. Since I currently own neither format, I find this a tad funny that they didn't verify this before posting. 

From the article:

At the risk of sounding cynical, we can't say we're particularly surprised
by this news. As battle-scarred survivors of the early DVD days — when Spielberg
notoriously held off the release of any of his major titles from the format
for years — this is par for the course. Spielberg and fellow behemoth George
Lucas have never been known to quickly embrace new home video formats, and
we expect that won't change
anytime soon — especially with a next-gen battle
raging, and no clear winner yet in sight.