New MCPL Online Spotlight Apps

Those of you using Vista I'm sure have seen some of the new Online Spotlight apps such as Fox Sports Lounge, which just look so slick & make it feel like a true part of Media Center. I kinda woulda preferred Microsoft's launch to have all these new features ready AT LAUNCH, but I guess the trickle-effect does allow for more news posting, eh?! 😛

Turbo Nick :
One of the Addins demonstrated at CES from Nickelodean – and its
written with MCPL (yay!). This looks absolutely fantastic – and the
designers/developers have written a very original looking UI. It's
a very slow for me to load initially (I think up to 1 minute
initialization time) – however this could be due to where I am in the
world (and that its meant for US users) – but once you are in – the
streaming video is really fast and the UI very responsive (no long
buffering times etc).
Vongo :  Another addin demonstrated at CES. This
one actually won't load for me (and throws an MCML error) – and Im not
sure if it's a deployment problem – or that the Vongo service is
intentionally blocked for non US users (I know I can't get past the
homepage if I visit their site in a browser due to me being outside
US). The video of the UI I saw (from CES) actually showed it had a very
similar UI design to Turbo Nick (with different colors/branding of

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