DVRMSToolbox – XP MCE Version

Mike would have never let a new release of DVRMSToolbox slip through his hands, however, he is on a business trip. So, here is the news post, although a few days late. 

Release Announcement:

Change Log:

– changed Toub.MediaCenter.Dvrms.dll from to
– ConvertToWmvIC copies Closed Captions to WMV files for NTSC files

changed how dvr2wmv.dll is referenced, created an interop class that
wraps the interface instead of using the generated interop dll
– potentially fixed a bug where converting with dvr2wmv would hang on disposal
– DVRMSToolbox.exe no longer tracks processed files
– Added WMVIndex action, indexes wmv files
– Added AdvancedActions to DTb, will not function without ffdshow and lame installed
– Added ConvertWithDvr2Wmv which allows preferred decoders to be specified
– Actions can now specify methods to call to build a list of allowed values
– MigrateMetaData action uses WMVIndex action instead of implementing indexing functionality internally
– FileIO action will discover and release file handles if unable to delete
– DeleteFile action will discover and release file handles if unable to delete
– DvrmsCutOutCommercials action will discover and release file handles if unable to delete file
– Added ConvertToMp3 action to AdvancedActions, requires lame.
– Added DumpContext action to AdvancedActions
– Added ConvertWithExplicitGraph action to AdvancedActions
– SA Version 0.8.7 included
– Fixed a bug with DVR-MS splicing when the file begins processing while recording
– Fixed a bug with AdjustingMetaData where all metadata is re-written, not just the changed values