Big Screens Omitted from Proposed Calif. TV Restrictions

And retailers of TV’s in California can breathe a big sigh of relief, as they can continue to sell those big bad TV sets polluting our environment. Hopefully this was the result of some outcry….or maybe they just woke up and saw how ridiculous it was. Either way, I’m happy for now. Have to love how they sneak in how it can come back in the future.

Electronic House

The final proposal from the CEC has been posted and omits sales restrictions of televisions with screens in excess of 1,400 square inches (58 diagonal inches)—at least in the first phase of restrictions proposed to go into effect in January 2011. The CEC is reserving the right to restrict the sale of large TVs that don’t meet energy standards in the future, however. “For televisions in excess of 1,400 square inches, the Energy Commission may undertake a Phase 2 of this rulemaking in order to set efficiency standards for such televisions,” the CEC states in its notice of proposed action.