Interview: Ken Lowe of Sigma Designs

The HomeTheaterBlog has an interview with Ken Lowe, strategic marketing manager for Sigma Designs, who make the media processors for HD-DVD & BluRay DVD Players. A pretty politically-correct Q&A, but it does provide some nice information.

HTB: What do you think the likelihood that dual-format players could become the norm rather than the exception as in LG’s case?

Ken Lowe: It’s easier to implement dual-format
hardware from a stand-alone perspective than recorders. Almost that
entire market [recorders] has already gone Blu-ray because, with the
exception of Toshiba, all of the Japanese electronic manufacturers are
Blu-ray. It appears over there they’ve rallied around that for whatever
reason, I don’t know if it’s the power of Sony or whatever else. So
there’s this issue of, well if we have the player end solved with
dual-format format players, its not so easy to do a recorder that way;
recorders are much more involved in terms of what you have to

Read the full interview here