Silverstone @ CES 2013

Silverstone offers a plethora of enclosures for the HTPC enthusiast and after our visit with them at CES this year, we’re excited to see them expanding their offerings. Perhaps the most intruiging new enclosure shown was the Thin Mini-ITX PT13. The black brushed aluminum chassis is the most compact Thin Mini-ITX enclosure we’ve seen and utilizes a custom CPU cooler while passivlely cooling the rest of the system. Read more to see all the photos.
In 2012, we reviewed the inexpensive ML03B Micro-ATX offering. This year, Silverstone will roll out the ML04 which shares the same guts but offers a sleeker frontal appearance by incorporating a black brushed aluminum door that contains a dimmable power LED and capability to block accidental power button operations.
If you’re looking for something a bit smaller, the new ML05 manages to pack plenty of compenents in by utilizng an SFX power supply.
Speaking of SFX power supplies, we were extremely happy to see that Silverstone is rolling out an 80 Plus Bronze 300W and an 80 Plus Gold 450W modular, both using sleeved cabling.
Many compelling storage solutions were shown, some even coming in 1U rack mount form.
We also saw an appropriately-named prototype “Mammoth” EATX chassis in the MM01 which is “dust-proof” and “spill-proof” by employment of a HEPA air filter and a panel design that encourages liquid to shed away from the front and rear panels.
Check out the rest of what Silverstone was showing below.