Hauppauge USB Cable Card Tuner Named, Priced and Passed Cable Labs Certification

Do you remember when we posted about Hauppauge’s Digital Cable Tuner (DCT) product back in January? We found out that it was a dual-tuner USB model and speculated that the price would come in around $150. Well, it turns out we were off a little.
Hauppauge has posted about its soon-to-be released DCT named WinTV-DCR-2650 on their Facebook page. The main details are the same, but guess what? The price is going to be $129!
No release date has been given, but a little digging revealed that the latest Cable Labs certification device list shows the DCT has been certified effective June 30th so it is likely to hit the market within the next few months.
Thanks to PLUCKYHD for letting us know about the Facebook posting.
UPDATE 1: As brennok pointed out in the comments, Hauppauge have responded on their Facebook page that pre-orders start Monday and shipping is late-July.
UPDATE 2: Hauppauge have informed us that initial retail availability will be directly through Hauppauge’s online store and Amazon.
In the comments on Facebook
In the comments on Facebook they do mention preorders start Monday and expect to ship by end of July.
I don’t know if I will buy
I don’t know if I will buy one of these immediately, but I’m definitely canceling my Silicon dust CC homerun preorder. I don’t need more than 2 tuners, nor the network capability. And the price is right on this product. I love the downward price pressure
DavidStein wrote:
I love the
[quote=DavidStein]I love the downward price pressure[/quote]
I second that!
There isn’t too much technical information available on this tuner yet. Does anyone know if it’ll support ClearQAM? (It must, right?). The reason i’m asking is because I was going to get the HDHomeRun (non-PRIME) for $120 on Amazon, but if I can get this instead and have the ability to upgrade my cable plan to get premium content without having to change any hardware, I’m in!
Better check on if it
Better check on if it supports clearQAM. There was an issue with Windows that it needed to see a NTSC tuner to be able to support clearQAM. The SD HR didn’t have the problem because it was a network device but the Ceton did. I think they’ve updated their FW at this point but you should really check before ordering.
It also looks like your TA will be connected to the computer as it is for the ATI DCT and Ceton and not to the tuner itself so it’s running a different FW than the SD HD Prime CC tuner.
Interesting that two of these will give you four channels for the same price as three tuners in the SD Prime. Price adjustment coming on the SD Prime???
Well, Amazon had SD Prime for
Well, Amazon had SD Prime for $202…
Very nice. I’m glad to see
Very nice. I’m glad to see something come out from Hauppauge as I have used them for the past 5 years. Especially at that price. Although those windows need some tint and the RadioShack LEDs need an upgrade 🙂
Hauppauge have informed us
Hauppauge have informed us that initial retail availability will be through their online store and Amazon.
Thanks for the update, I will
Thanks for the update, I will be purchasing 1 of these on release to play with. I just dont understand how Hauppauge has managed to perform better than Silicon Dust in news release and lining up Amazon. Going through the SD forum it almost looks like SD hates Amazon.
This dual tuner, and its
This dual tuner, and its price, is a shocking development. I can’t believe that it’s this low cost. I just hope it really does support ClearQAM, because if true, then this is the new minimum tuner that anyone should have.
What does it matter if this
What does it matter if this supports ClearQAM? That tech is stabilized and cheap. If you have the CableCARD in there, then those networks are covered. If not, then you’re buying the wrong model and can probably save yourself some money.
Very cool to have even more competition entering the market and further lowering the price of entry. It’s tempting, but I think that I’ll personally stick with the Prime for the standalone networking and worthwhile additional tuner (granted, I still have my internal Hauppauge ClearQAM dual tuner installed as well but Verizon has a habit of screwing up the channel mappings).
I want to know if it supports
I want to know if it supports clearQAM because right now I don’t subscribe to any premium content. I have an AverMedia dual tuner card and I want to get two more tuners. If this card supports clearQAM, I can add two more clearQAM tuners with the option at a later date to add a CableCARD and getting premium content on two of the four tuners.
It is up on their site,
It is up on their site, unfortunately it is listed at $149. Can someone with a Facebook account ask if there is a special link for Facebook users like there was for the Colossus?
here is the product page:
Ganjagadget wrote:
It is up
[quote=Ganjagadget]It is up on their site, unfortunately it is listed at $149. Can someone with a Facebook account ask if there is a special link for Facebook users like there was for the Colossus? here is the product page: http://store.hauppauge.com/ProductDetails1.asp?ProductID=124&VisID=%5B/quote%5D
Thanks for that link! I have gone ahead and posted a comment on their page (my 2nd comment of the day to them regarding the Pre-order availability) 🙂
I just heard back from
I just heard back from Hauppauge, here is the link:
Interesting reply to my question about the price:
“The special price is $129.- Don’t worry about what the page says which is
$149. That will be retail price after we take care of the facebook orders.”
I ordered one, anybody want to buy a new in the box Colossus card?
Ganjagadget wrote:
I just
I just heard back from Hauppauge, here is the link:
Interesting reply to my question about the price:
“The special price is $129.- Don’t worry about what the page says which is
$149. That will be retail price after we take care of the facebook orders.”
I ordered one, anybody want to buy a new in the box Colossus card?
Thanks Ganjagadget! I posted this link and gave you credit on Facebook! 🙂 Someone else already posted it on AVSForum and gave you thanks!
Thanks for the props
Thanks for the props rdb4133!!
Also, FYI The ceton card is
Also, FYI The ceton card is on sale for $269 at newegg today.
how do you guys think it will
how do you guys think it will perform compared to the Prime? You have to admit the Prime looks more appealing to the eye specially the 6 tuner version but you can get 6 tuners with the 2650 for $387 instead of $499 for the Prime..but i would need to lease three M cards as opposed to two. Anyway financial aside does specs really matter when we are talking about a cable card tuner?
PS: why does the prime have a USB Tuning Resolver interface? Is this a dedicated USB port for troubleshooting (http://www.silicondust.com/products/models/hdhr3-6cc-3×2/)?
I would expect both products
I would expect both products to perform as advertised. Because the Prime is only network-based, there is the potential for that to be more difficult to use because it will rely on your network gear and NIC to be adequate.
The Prime has a USB interface so that you can locate the TA where the Prime is located since the coax may not necessarily be where the HTPC is. Since we haven’t used the Prime yet, we’re not sure if you might be able to attach the TA to a PC located on the same network like you can with the Ceton InfiniTV.