Buying A Television – What You Need To Know

There is a lot of information to absorb while researching what television to best suit your needs. has a handy guide covering the basics of what to look for when buying a TV. One point that is never covered when shopping for the TV is to consult with your significant other. Its not mandatory but we all know.. when she is happy with the purchase… you are happy with the purchase.

From the article:

If you are planning to buy a 25-inch or 27-inch television, you should be about 8 feet away, for a 32-inch TV you should be about 10 feet away, and for a 35-inch or 36-inch TV you should be about 11 feet away. Needless to say, you should have at least 12ft to 15ft to work with when installing a 50-inch or 60-inch big screen set. For more information on the optimal viewing distance for a particular size TV screen, check out the Viewing Distance Calculator