Lewis launches new multi-room AV server

Its always hard to tell what a "Media Server" will cost these days. It seems like it can range from $500 to $15000. Thankfully, Lewis' new Media Center box is around the $1000 mark. Its clearly a MCE machine with a very nice looking case. However, it talks a lot about Media Distribution, which I assume is just using extenders of some sort.
While watching a recording you don't have a chance to see the ending, your Multiroom unit will remember where you were up to and carry on from that point.
Now you can store all of your films and digital content in one location with the ability to watch six different movies in upto six rooms from one Dvd collection.
Want to view the extra features that Dvd's allow, No problem, every Dvd Is stored in perfect detail without any loss of sound or picture quality with all menus faithlessly reproduced.
With a large Dvd collection you may want to watch an action movie on the main screen while a disney film is played in the games room, this is all possible with a Lewis MC1200 / Multiroom combination.