March 2nd Blu-ray Releases

Light week this week for releases, but a couple gems. I’m old enough to remember The Neverending Story, a classic fairy tale story with a kid who rides a big dog and battles something evil I don’t remember. Clash of the Titans has recently enjoyed some news on a remake, but not sure how well the original will hold up nowadays. I wasn’t a huge fan of Where the Wild Things Are, but it did get a fair amount of credit, it was just a bit too gloomy for my tastes.

MissingRemote’s Pick of the Week


Big loud explosions, big chase scenes, and more money spent on special effects than acting…all makes for a fairly entertaining movie going experience. And one which is ideal for Blu-ray of course! The plot is nothing unique but seriously, the special effects are why you watch a movie like this…and I’m a John Cusack fan, so I enjoyed it.