BluScenes Ships First Blu-ray Discs with Managed Copy

I would not read too into this given that it’s not exactly a copy of Terminator Salvation, but it’s at the very least a sign that things are starting to happen with managed copy. I don’t know, will that stop any of you from just making your own ripped copies of your blu-rays?

CE Pro

BluScenes discs feature a simple user license that "marks a first in the video industry," the company claims. Each disc includes a free public display (non-broadcast) license on a one-screen-per-disc basis, which means that doctors’ offices, spas, restaurants and other public places can display the discs without incurring additional royalty fees. Scenic Labs says it won’t charge for managed copying, but company founder Jason Rosenfeld says it is possible that AACS or its agents will charge a transaction fee to utilize the managed copy feature.