3-D Making Major In-Roads In Home Theater Market

I don’t know if anyone else out there is looking forward to 3DTV but I think that it could be a very cool thing if content creaters use it properly.  It is expected to be the main focus of CES in 2010.  We’ll have to wait and see.  Until then, read this article.


And it seems a certainty that live sports programming will also be
widely accepted, once available, offering a truly immersive viewing
experience even from small televisions and the latest touch screen
computers. Even now, reports are coming out suggesting that Sony,
Samsung, LG, and Panasonic (who were noticeably absent from this event
despite much promotion) will soon be offering 3-D LCD flat panel TVs to
the public within the coming year. So finally, it seems, Ralph Kramden
(The Honeymooners – 1955) will finally get his 3-D television.