UHD (4K) is easy. What’s UHD Premium?

As much as having yet another standard can cause overload, adding a “Premium” lable to UHD does add some value; potentially making it easier to select a display. The downside is that if you just bought a 2015 UHD display it’s quite likely that some, if not all, of the things that make a UHD Premium display better than [plain-ol’] UHD aren’t supported on your shiny new TV. So maybe, if you just jumped on a “Big Game” 4K TV deal you shouldn’t follow the link to RHT :).
The UltraHD Premium TV standard was announced at the 2016 CES Show, but what does that mean? After years of pushing 4K and UltraHD at consumers, is UltraHD Premium yet another standard? If you’ve already bought an UltraHD TV, is it an UltraHD Premium TV or is this something that is already making your TV outdated? In many ways UltraHD Premium is what we’ve been waiting for once you understand what it is.