7MC library not displaying coverart for recent movies

For those of you who have followed our recent guide on using the native movie library in 7MC, you might have noticed that some of your coverart is missing from movies recorded on live TV. The issue seems to be that the server 7MC was using to download the coverart has changed its url but 7MC is still using the old address. Hopefully MS can provide a fix for the issue.
Movies recorded by Media Center that were made in 2010 or 2011 are not downloading the coverart and are showing as the default Movie image in Media center. It looks like the problem is related to the service that Media Center uses to obtain its cover art from which has changed it’s URL but Windows Media Center is still trying to use its old URL. While its only a minor issue it frustrating if you like to keep your Media Center looking nice.
Hopefully Microsoft will provide a fix for the issue, a user from the Windows Expert Forums has created a bug report on Microsoft’s Connect site where you can vote for the fix, so if you having the same issue take a look at the item and vote for it.
Just a bit of
Just a bit of clarification…the issue isn’t with the server WMC uses. WMC connects to a Microsoft server to get the covers, and that server is working just fine. From what I can tell, the Microsoft server has cached the covers from Allmovie.com, but that site has been shut down and replaced by Allrovi.com. What appears to have happened is nobody at Microsoft has told their server to connect to allrovi.com to get the info.
That’s just a theory we came up with at WEC though. I have no idea if this theory is actually correct.
Thanks Richard hopefully
Thanks Richard hopefully someone at MS can get the issue resolved.