10 Annoying Habits of a Geeky Spouse

Not sure how much more I really need to say, a fairly amusing list depending on where in the "geek" spectrum you fall. I could *only* identify with 5 of the 10 listed…wonder how the rest of you score 😛


tough enough to find decent geeky shows on TV these days; think of how
much worse it would be to accidentally hear or see a spoiler for an
episode before you’d had a chance to watch it. And keeping away from
Twitter and Facebook and other social websites and services in case a
spoiler happens to come across it just isn’t viable for that long
because, let’s face it, we’re geeks and we’re addicted to the internet.
Non-geeks have shows they’re addicted to, too, of course, but, at least
in my experience, not to quite the same extent.