The Media Center Show #103 – Francis Hogle

You know the drill, it is Thursday already. This week up, Ian's got Francis, development manager for Windows Media Center. Enjoy!

Show times

01:00 Coming up this week
01:40 Signal splitting problems
03:15 Running a script from Media Center
04:22 Try mControl
04:36 HD TV 720 or 1080?
05:48 Update to the Xbox 360
07:09 My Blockbuster addin
07:41 My video on media interfaces on the Samsung UMPC
09:33 Charlie Owen on Accessibility in Media Center
10:26 AskCharlie on The Media Center Show
10:42 Forum poster of the week
11:43 Win a copy of Vista – Beyond the manual
12:25 A message from One Voice
13:30 Welcome to Frances
14:55 Media Center in the beginning
17:31 Media Center Presentation Layer
21:28 Incremental updates
24:45 A platform for developers
32:31 Optimizing application for Extenders
34:29 How does WPF fit with Media Center
39:33 Why is there no GUI tool for designing Media Center application
41:08 Developers
45:18 Media Center Sandbox
48:03 Thanks to Frances
48:40 Media Center Blog

Listen to the show here .