Congratulations to DennisHalling and DavidStein!

Congratulations to our last two winners of the Patriot PBO Core Media Player and the GlideTV!

  • User DennisHalling won the PBO Core
  • DavidStein won the GlideTV Navigator

You should both be receiving an e-mail from me shortly requesting information.

Congratuations to both of you, and worry not everyone else, we STILL have more prizes upcoming!

  • Congrats DennisHalling & Davi

    Congrats DennisHalling & DavidStein .

  • This is exciting. My main

    This is exciting. My main htpc input is a remote but right now when something goes wrong (ie. 7mc crashes, probably because of mediabrowser?) I have to pull out a fullsize wireless keyboard/trackball combo. The GlideTV should be a much more elegant solution.

  • Cognrats to both winner

    Cognrats to both winner