Joost Invite Give-a-Away Round Two

Chris Lanier is giving away a few invites to Joost. While not big news itself, that does mean that Joost is now giving away unlimited invites to test its system. Are you ready to get your content online yet? Me? Not so much, I don't think the bandwidth is there to get the quality quite yet. However, I really have not given an online distribution service a chance yet.

Chris Lanier

Seeing as my last Joost Invite post got quite a few replies, it's time for round two. Joost has reportedly opened up unlimited invites to current testers, so it's time for another round of random drawings. While I'm not technically limited in terms of the number of invites I can give (according to the press, no ones invites have showed up yet), I am limited in that I have no plans to send everyone an invite that asks for one. I really don't have time to send 25-100 invites a day