Rethinking Range Anxiety

This is going to sound crazy, but hear me out. There’s a lot of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) out there around EV refueling (aka charging), especially when it comes to road trips. I get it, the refueling model is very different, and you need to know that the model is different, to understand that looking at refueling an EV like […]

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You’re not wrong, but “doomed” is overblown…

I totally agree with Jonathan Gitlin that we need better DCFC charging infrastructure. But, I can’t help but see some holes in the whole “EVs are doomed…” thing. First, and most glaring, is actually something that Jonathan says out loud. No, the problem is whether or not any of the chargers will be working when you arrive. (Unless you’re driving […]

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ICE OEMs are dropping the ball on EV conquests

This is kind of off topic for what we usually cover here, apologies, but it’s something that I’ve been thinking about recently (mostly because it’s been relevant). Although, if you think about cars as gadgets, and most new cars are really computers that happen to take you places, maybe it’s not so far into the weeds :)… For OEMs, especially […]

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