Sanus @ CES 2014

When I picked up a wall mount for my TV back in Florida, I went budget. It just didn’t seem like the premium that other brands commanded was worth the extra outlay, but I regretted it almost as soon as it was on the wall. Not that it didn’t work; just that it wasn’t as smooth or stable as I wanted when pulling the TV around. Having recently moved this oversight can be corrected, and I’ve been trying to decide whether to get another wall mount or finally upgrade the battered A/V cabinet now that my kids are old enough that I can reasonably expect them not to destroy it [again]. With this in mind, I cut a path to Sanus during some downtime at CES for a quick peek at whether there was a tangible difference between their offerings and the more cost effective competition which justified the large gap in price.
I was especially impressed with the effort that went into the furniture – which was clearly designed for A/V use cases first, something that stands in stark contrast to most cabinets. Natural convection, separation of components, and an incredible amount of flexibility to rearrange as needed. The attention to detail was apparent in the mounts and racks as well. It’s impossible for me to speak to everyone’s preferences, but I can say that any doubts about the whether it is worth it were answered for me personally. Everything I saw was top-quality, well thought out kit.