D-Link @ CES 2014

Oddly enough D-Link’s main product showing at CES this year wasn’t in networking, but cameras. My favorite was one that is intended for use as a baby monitor. I know that might sound a bit strange, but it’s all about the sensors – it includes audio and temperature beside the camera. Having a device like that would be slick in some home automation scenarios, and since it includes a standard camera style screw mount on the bottom would be easy to slap on the wall.

They also had a demo of one of their new low light cameras which works amazingly well (see the photo gallery). I’ve had other (red IR) cameras in the past, and while they work – “work” is somewhat subjective J.

In the networking space, there were several products, but most weren’t new for CES. Most interesting was a travel router with a built-in battery so you can use it as a power pack or run the device of it for a couple hours at a time. Unfortunately the NIC port on it is WAN only though, so not quite as flexible as some other offering in the space.