Logitech Squeezebox Touch review

What a long way the Squeezebox has come. Remember when it was just a simple VFD in a case?!? Well, guess there are some benefits by getting purchased by big Logitech. This one’s nice, but no surprise that it works best when you can actually touch it.
Logitech’s touch-sensitive addition to the Squeezebox family, aptly named the Touch, has taken a long and hard road to retail. First uncovered by the FCC almost a year ago, announced by Logitech back in September of 2009, and then delayed again and again, we’ve finally managed lay our hands on one and, more importantly, start putting some fingerprints on its 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen. Does it deserve a hallowed place in the Squeezebox canon and, more importantly, is it worth the $299 — $100 more than the Squeezebox Radio we reviewed last year?