Open Letter To Readers

I have read a few comments in the past few weeks that have finally prompted me to write a letter to the readers. I want to start off thanking everyone for creating such a great HTPC community. It is by far the friendliest and most down to earth group on the Internet. It was fantastic to see that even […]

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I Lost My Remote!!!!


We have a winner!!!! The contest is now closed. That was way to quick 😉 As I mentioned last week, I lost my remote and now I need someone to find it!!! Somewhere in the website is my Harmony 880 remote!!!! All you have to do is find the picture below somewhere in the website (besides this article of course). The […]

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I have lost my remote


Ack, I have last my remote! Its been happening a lot more frequently these days and I expect this unfortunate event to keep happening. I was wondering if you guys could help me out a little this coming Monday. Somewhere in you will be able to find my remote (or at least a picture of one). However, there is […]

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Analyst (Me): TiVo Should Buy SageTV


Well, it wouldn't be a blog without a little bit of armchair analyst going on. Whilst browsing for news over the past few days, I stumbled across PVRWire's article about things TiVo could do better to improve their product. One of the items was to have TiVo PVR software for the PC available.    Now I would like to say […]

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Contest Winner!!!

We have a winner!! jennyfur! Come on down, you have 72 hours to contact me via email, pm, or pony express!!! Of course, you have to take pictures of your goodies once you get them!!! Please include your shipping information in your email. Thanks to all who entered, I consider it a pretty dang good success considering this site is less […]

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Home Theater Power Protection

Recently, we had a user ask about the effectiveness of AC power conditioners in regards to their HT experience.  Are they "all that" or are they just the latest mumbo-jumbo fad to try and extract cash from your wallet?  Here's where I put on my day job hat (Electrical Engineer/Hardware Designer) and comment.  The opportunity for smoke and mirror marketing […]

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HT Basics: Small Versus Large Speakers

HT Basics is a look at basic Home Theater setup and terminology. From time to time I will post a topic and let the community have at it. The goal is to come up with a meaningful discussion to help people coming here for the basics. Eventually, each topic will get moved to the HT Basics forum for easier searching. […]

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100 Members!!!!

John just informed me that we have reached our 100th member!! Before you ask the questin; Matt did not register 42 times. We will save that 007 type strategy for our 500th member. Thats about it, no contests or anything like that. You could enter that lil contest we have going on right now. In other news, you may have […]

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missingremote version 1.0

As I mentioned in a forum post earlier today, after 1 week of being live we are officially releasing version 1.0 upon the masses. As with any 1.0 version, the majority of the work was getting all of the widgets and sprockets to work together in a harmonious manner. In this, was getting SMF and Joomla to work together, and […]

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