DirecTV, HDTV, and the Resolution Question


If you all don't remember way back in 2004 a DirecTV customer filed lawsuit saying that he had signed up for HDTV service and was soon getting sub-par results. He claims DirecTV is engaged in unlawful or fraudulent business practices by not delivering actual high definition signals. As most of us in the audio/videophille world know DirecTV started cutting bit […]

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First off, I would like to welcome everyone to I hate to use the term beta, but we do have a few bugs to iron out, but I am very happy with the first go around considering our limited time and resources. John (Bubba) did an excellent job pulling the server and site together. We hope to get everything […]

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You can take the Alan out of the HTPC but you can't take the HTPC out of Alan. Its probably fitting that my first post be about SageTV and their new beta. After having time to look through the new manual and some of the threads on Sage's forum, it has become apparent to me that this isn't the break […]

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