Latest Flash 10.1 beta supports more netbooks

We’ve had some discussions in our forums regarding using netbooks as your HTPC, so these Flash updates are critical since the CPU’s in those devices simply can’t manage to handle the high resolutions if they can’t offload to the graphics. Good news indeed. Techreport According to the folks at Engadget, the beta 3 release adds support for two mobile graphics […]

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Thursday Podcast Roundup, February 25th 2010

Enjoy the shows this week! Don’t forget to follow us on twitter, @missingremote The Media Center Show #245 – Networked Tuners This week Garry Whittiker and Jason Coombes join me to discuss networked tuners using DVBLink, Jason has all his tuners pooled in a Windows Home Server and then is using DVBLink to distribute the tuners around the network. Its […]

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Boxee Beta Finally on AppleTV

This is where a strong community is so important to the success of a company like Boxee. The latest AppleTV Firmware had changed and broken Boxee’s ability to run on it, so some users decided to fix it for themselves, and then share to the world! Kudos! Boxee Blog You can now, once more, pwn your AppleTV following these super […]

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Newsflash: Blockbuster CEO Supports 30-Day Window

…for everyone except Blockbuster Video, of course. So….Blockbuster Video, who rent movies to customers, do not get a 30 day window and can continue to charge more. Where Redbox and Netflix….who rent movies to customers….DO have to have the window? Anyone else think the 30-day window idea came from Blockbuster? Home Media Mag Keyes attributed the miss to big-box retailers […]

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