Life With a Plugin Episode 6: Yougle Vista

The future of Media Center no doubt lies in its ability to present online media from the 10′ UI. While the Media Center group has done some work with extras such as Internet TV and the Fox Sports collaboration; there remains a lot of media we want to see. Yougle steps into fill some of this void.
Yougle allows you to watch video and other media from several sites including You Tube, Google Video, ICanHasCheezburger and Flickr. The product is constantly in development and are always adding new sources for your entertainment needs.
Above & Beyond
The first thing you’ll notice is the developer really knows his way around MCML. All the animations are done extremely well and fit right in with the Media Center look and feel.
The biggy for me is including Yahoo Music videos :). I am a bit of a music video buff and this add-in makes it extremely easy to see any of the Top 100 music videos.
There is also an SDK available if users wish to try their hand at adding their own sources.
Falling Short
The navigation is a bit unusual. You use the plus signs and arrows to navigate around the program which is quite a bit different that having your sort menu above your media like most other plugins. Once you realize the navigation scheme, it is no big deal, but having the sort menu up top would eliminate a lot of the confusion.
Keeping in mind this program is in alpha state, I do hope to see more sources in the future. Perhaps even a way to add your own podcast feeds? or daily comics?
Grade: Approved for Everyday Use
Absolutely! Small navigational complaints aside, this is a great plugin that I spend time with everyday. Hey, even I don’t mind looking at lolcats every once in a while :). I think this is a no brainer and hope to see more development in the future.
This is a freeware plugin. If you do download it, I encourage your to donate to the project :).
Product Vitals
Creator: Push-A-Button
Price: Free