Syfy’s Fall Lineup

Syfy announced its upcoming fall lineup. While the Syfy channel doesn’t actually seem to like much science fiction anymore, there are a few remaining things I’m looking forward to, including the 4 hour original movie Neverland, which is a Peter Pan prequel, and the season finales of some of my favorite shows (quoted below). Note that I have yet to watch Alphas, but have it recorded.
Regrettably, they haven’t yet announced whether or not Sanctuary is being renewed for another season. Previously, they announced that Eureka will not have a 6th season, but were ordering one additional episode for season 5 to give it some sort of “closure”. I hope to hear more information about Warehouse 13 and Haven soon, since I’m quite concerned about their future, as well. Check out the blastr link for the rest of their lineup.
Anything you’re looking forward to on Syfy?
Eureka Season 4.5 finale — Monday, September 19, 8-9PM
Alphas Season One finale — Monday, September 26, 10-11PM
Haven Season Two finale — Friday, September 30, 10-11PM
Warehouse 13 Season Three two-hour finale — Monday, October 3, 9-11PMTo accompany the season finales, Syfy will air the following marathons:
Alphas Season One — Monday. September 26, 11:30AM-10PM
Haven Season Two — Friday, September 30, 8AM-6PM
Warehouse 13 Season Three — Monday, October 3, 11AM-9PM
I want the SciFi channel
I want the SciFi channel back.
Season 4 of Sanctuary begins
Season 4 of Sanctuary begins Oct 7th according to The Futon Critic.
I have to say… I’ve not
I have to say… I’ve not watched SyFy since they took off Stargate Universe and Caprica.. Ever since they changed their name from Sci-Fi to SyFy (Which is lame btw) the network has been going downhill fast. I wasn’t a HUGE SGU fan but it was getting better towards the end (the pace really sucked at the start).. Stargate SG1 should have kept rollin as well as Atlantis… There were still plenty of stories to tell, but this could have been the developers fault for wanting to do something more “Battlestar Galactica”…
Anyway – That peter pan thing intersts me so Ill keep an eye out for it.. As for everything else, i’d be more willing to rent it on bluray or stream it since I’ve not watched it from the start.. I’ve been wanting to do that with Sanctuary btw, just need to find the time, which may be easier with less interesting shows on tv anymore. (reality TV can die)
I wish someone would step up and make a pay for episode series of stargate that you pay to download per episode in full HD and cut out the cable companies and TV networks.. but too bad MGM has no money.. With Android Tablets, phones, iphone/ipads, etc – there is a whole new emerging market for downloadable series, as well as even splitting an episode up into 15 or 30 minute weekly eps.
Anyway – thats my rant on I mean SyFy..
As I mentioned in the
As I mentioned in the article, I can’t say that I disagree with some of the thoughts here. However, I do think they have some good programming on via the shows I specifically called out. The sad thing is that Eureka was one of their most popular shows (if not THE most popular), but it was more expensive than it was worth.
Doesn’t anyone like science fiction anymore? It feels like I’m the only one who watches the shows. I keep searching out more science fiction, but it’s tough. That’s how I found Babylon 5 and Stargate, which eventually led me to the (formerly) Sci-Fi network and BSG and these other shows. I guess when the pickings are slim, you lower your standards, but I do enjoy these shows.
I take it no one has watched Alphas?
Although SyFy has changed
Although SyFy has changed dramatically, they do put on a quality Monday lineup (Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Alpha’s). I actually really like Alpha’s but I feel that its late air time will hinder its growth. I’ve never seen a live show (DVR only) but its become a favorite. Other than Monday, SyFy seems to be all D movies and Ghost hunters
I have been watching Alphas
I have been watching Alphas and it’s been pretty entertaining actually. It doesn’t take itself too seriously (a la Heroes) and as long as you know that going in it’s a pretty fun show.
I just want “The Unit” and
I just want “The Unit” and “Firefly” back and I’ll be happy. Oh, and Rome too.
PAPutzback wrote:
I just
I just want “The Unit” and “Firefly” back and I’ll be happy. Oh, and Rome too.
Yeah I wish “The Unit” was still around too!
PAPutzback wrote:I just want
I just want “The Unit” and “Firefly” back and I’ll be happy. Oh, and Rome too.
mikinho wrote:PAPutzback
I just want “The Unit” and “Firefly” back and I’ll be happy. Oh, and Rome too.
Definitely agreed!
Hey, shouldn’t we have a “+1” button here someplace? 😉
What? They’re killing off
What? They’re killing off Eureka? That’s one of the only shows I watch over the summer. My wife will be very dissapointed…
I thought this was a pretty
I thought this was a pretty good take on the whole thing: