SageMC 6.3.8


Form and function.. You only need two things to bring a superstar HTPC application to the table. It certainly sounds easy. IN theory it should be, but there isn’t one application that meets these two criteria. SageMC was born to bring much need form to the function that SageTV brought to the table.

MeInMaui and Flachbar have released a new version to fix a lot of bugs and bring a few new features to the table. The biggy that stands out to me is that the Sage Online servies will now be in sync when Sage updates. Along with that feature add, they have also added a few theme enhancements including a Dock-Style menu and a horizontal text menu. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of themes come out after this new version.

Release Notes Here

Excellent post by Brent covering whats new in SageMC

SageMC screenshot thread here:

Picture below is taken from Brent’s excellent post.