ICE OEMs are dropping the ball on EV conquests

This is kind of off topic for what we usually cover here, apologies, but it’s something that I’ve been thinking about recently (mostly because it’s been relevant). Although, if you think about cars as gadgets, and most new cars are really computers that happen to take you places, maybe it’s not so far into the weeds :)… For OEMs, especially […]

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Then There Were Two

I hadn’t made the time to write this post, mostly because I wasn’t quite sure how to explain how weird it was to go from EV-curious to a two EV household in four months… Some of that weirdness is perfectly encapsulated in the research article linked below, which has helped to frame the things I wanted to say out loud. […]

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Rising Supercharging Fees Suck, but they are not the end of the world… cough… autoevolution…

I understand why drivel like this hackjob from autoevolution titled “EVs No Longer an Economic Alternative to ICEs As Supercharging Rates Go Through the Roof” exist. The answer is clicks. So usually I ignore the poor math, logic, reasoning, and improper use of data because it’s generally better to just ignore stupid, than engage with it. But today, I’m rolling […]

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Choosing a Level 2 EVSE (aka Electric Car Charger)

Being very new to the electric vehicle (EV) game, I thought it would be useful to share the biggest new-EV-owner pain point for me that I’ve solved (still working on the range anxiety thing :)); Level 2 home charging. Technically, I didn’t need to solve this immediately because the portable EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) that came with my Mach-E […]

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Net Metering Isn’t a Subsidy

There have been several oddly similar anti-net metering op-eds floating around the national newspapers recently. I say “oddly similar” because they tend to repeat the same talking points, argued with little factual backing, with a clear intent to invoke an emotional “that’s not fair” response from readers using class-based rhetoric around how the scheme is a “subsidy” for the rich. […]

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Instant Torque Is Electric

I often find that the key to solving a problem, both personally, and professionally, is to complain out-loud. Sometimes, simply the act of making the necessary noises in a public way is enough to provide the nudge I needed towards resolution. I like to think that it’s because the act of articulating the issue, helps me solve it because I […]

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EV Paralysis

I would like to replace my car with an EV (electric vehicle), or more precisely a battery electric vehicle (BEV). My problem is mostly twofold: I don’t want to move backwards in terms of comfort/convenience/features versus my current ICE (internal combustion engine) car, and the market is evolving at a pace which makes something significantly better “just around the corner”. […]

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TIL, something awesome

I’m probably behind the curve on this one, but I recently discovered that battery replacers exist. This is awesome, especially this time of year when my wife adds all sorts of AA/AAA powered annoyances, er… flashing holiday lights, around the house and forgets to turn them off when it’s time to go to sleep. This doesn’t solve the energy waste […]

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A little off topic, but who cares…

It’s no secret that I work in technology, so this is doubly in my wheelhouse. Not only is it great content, from a YouTuber I really enjoy, but relevant to my professional interests. Not exactly what we generally cover here, but Google demographics indicates that many of you are very likely to share similar interests, so I thought I’d share […]

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