Home Server SMART 2012 Updated to Version

Home Server SMART 2012

I tend to be very conservative about adding plug-ins or new software to my Windows Home Server. Indeed, on my v1 box, I’m not sure I ever installed anything other than Squeezebox Server, and I have not installed too much else on my 2011 box. That being said, one of my favorite add-ins for WHS 2011 is Home Server SMART […]

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Guide to Setting Up Plex Media Server

Plex Install

One of the best parts about running a Windows Home Server box is the versatility that comes with running a complete Windows OS. When Plex announced that they would be releasing a client app for the Nook Color, I knew it was time to roll up my sleeves and try installing Plex Media Server on my WHS 2011 box. I […]

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