Intel’s DH55TC and Core i5-661 – Clarkdale

intel core i5

  Intel DH55TC & Core i5-661 (Clarkdale) Review The family of processors code-named "Clarkdale" has sparked a great deal of interest since its existence and some basic performance information spread out across the web in late September.  Teasing home theater PC (HTPC) enthusiasts with incredibly low power usage and built in HD codec bit streaming all packaged together with enough […]

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XBMC Getting Broadcom Crystal HD Support

If you’re into XBMC and want to go for a passive SFF HTPC build, your odds of success just went up.  Anandtech is reporting that XBMC is going to get full hardware acceleration support for the Crystal HD.     Thanks to the efforts of Scott Davilla, the XBMC developers and Broadcom there’s now full support for the Broadcom Crystal […]

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Stack Overflow for Home Theater

Adam and Josh from the Digital Media Zone started up a Stack Overflow style site for some Home Theater Q/A.  I think Adam said it best in his intro, so I’ll let him explain:   This isn’t your typical discussion forum.  Most questions have definitive answers, not opinions and so you don’t find the bickering and flame wars that you […]

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Updated Haali Splitter (MKV)

Just in time for Christmas we have a new Haali MKV splitter.  The release notes only claim support for TrueHD, but DTS-MA seems to output correctly as well. For everyone looking to store HD audio without transcoding to FLAC, this looks like what we’ve been waiting for. Go get the bits and let us know how it’s working for you.  […]

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AnandTech looks at Intel’s Atom D510

Sporting lowered power consumption and a slight speed increase Intel’s latest rev of the Atom looks like a winner for the websurfing netbook crowd.  But unfortunatley there isn’t much for those searching for the perfect passive ITX build.   The integrated GMA 3150 graphics hasn’t been used by Intel before, it’s a 45nm shrink of the GMA 3100. It’s technically […]

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Plasma TV “Burn-In”: Fact or Myth?

Nobody knows TVs like the HD Guru® so it’s great to see him point the microscope at burn-in.  Check out the myth busting, and find another reason to give your plasma a hug when you get home.   HD Guru® continues to receive reader email asking whether modern plasma panels have “burn-in” problems. Given the amount of misinformation still spewed […]

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Replacing the VFD in an Ahanix D4


I have an older Ahanix D4 case housing my main HTPC, one of the main reasons I bought this case over some of the completion was that it was one of the few full ATX cases with a parallel port (LPT) based Vacuum Florescent Display (VFD) at the time.  Recently the display started to fade and some pixels have gone […]

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Troubleshooting Standby


Proper standby support is an essential part of the HTPC experience, something that can help transform the “PC” experience into one much closer to “CE”. While it’s not great when the HTPC in the living room wakes up for “no reason”, when the one in the bedroom does it in the middle of the night – it can be a […]

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ShowAnalyzer v1.0.33.732

It’s been a while since the last ShowAnalyzer update, but it looks like Jere’s made it worth the wait.  Also worth noting for those who haven’t picked up a copy; there are only five more days left before the old pricing model (which includes lifetime updates) goes away.   Version Fixed missing scroll bars in settings dialog Fixed endless […]

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