Netflix Announces Open Connect CDN


There is no doubt that Netflix has become an Internet video streaming juggernaut. They generate more traffic and have cornered more money in the market than just about anyone else. Streaming video over the Internet may be cheaper in the long run than shipping discs through the mail, but it’s a safe bet that a goodly chunk of the distribution […]

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XBMC 11.0 – May Cycle Released


The XBMC team has never been known for its timely release schedule. In an effort to improve their release output and streamline their development process, the team recently moved to a monthly update schedule. At the beginning of each month, new features ready for testing are merged and then bugfixes are integrated over the course of the month. The May […]

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E3: Sony Adding Hulu Plus and Crackle to PlayStation Vita

Crackle on PS Vita

The idea that a game console manufacturer would present a keynote at E3 that is almost entirely devoted to video games should not surprise anyone, and that is exactly what Sony did this year. Sure, there was some weird ebook/augmented reality app/PlayStation Move thingy that some Harry Potter fan somewhere will enjoy, but otherwise the keynote was pretty much all games. Sony did briefly […]

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