Syabas Announces Popcorn Hour A-400

Popcorn Hour A400.jpg

Syabas has announced the newest addition to their family of Popcorn Hour A-series media streamers with the unveiling of the A-400. The Popcorn Hour A-400 is powered by the Sigma Designs SMP8911, a dual-core SoC running at 800Mhz, along with 512MB of RAM. The new Sigma Designs chip is no slouch and should assist the A-400 in making its mark. In […]

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Syabas Announces Popcorn Hour C-300

Popcorn Hour C300

The folks at Syabas have a new Popcorn Hour media streamer on tap, the C-300, and it comes with a wealth of storage and media options. There’s room for an internal 2.5″ hard drive and 3.5″ hot swap bay along with a slot for an optional Blu-Ray drive. There are also USB ports in front and in back for connecting […]

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Popcorn Hour A-300 Announced

Syabas recently took to their user forums to announce their next Popcorn Hour media streamer, the A-300. The Popcorn Hour streamers have always been good solid entries into the market, and this new model looks to continue that trend. The Syabas folks are providing pictures and videos in their forum announcement of their new Flash-based user interface. It looks slick and […]

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Popbox V8 Reviewed at

First thing I thought when I saw this guy was “wow, that looks like a HD300” (then I was sad; SageTV RIP).  Given the similarities, and how much the PCH platform has evolved (and stabilized) over the last year it seems like it should be a solid device.  Check out Damian’s full review for the important details. About 1 month […]

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