Hubitat 2.3.1

I’m thrilled with how my Hubitat keeps getting better, and today is the perfect e.g. because they released a new update which is awesome. The feature that has me most excited is the “Sticky trigger”, this comes in two flavors, with the net impact in how much easier it is to write rules like “lock the door after 10 min”. […]

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A Better Route Planner (ABRP) Phantom Chargers!

First off, let me say out loud, or what passes for out loud on the Internet, that I am a big fan of A Better Route Planner (ABRP). I have found the service to be incredibly useful for planning complex trips with my EV. Although, full disclosure, I’m not currently a paid user because they don’t support Bluetooth ODB adapters; […]

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UniFi OS – Dream Machines 1.11.4

This is the first public release since 1.11.0, and I’m glad to see that Ubiquiti is taking the time to get these releases [mostly] right. I haven’t had a chance to update my UDM-Pro yet today, but I’m going to make it happen as soon as I can kick everyone off the network tonight.  

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Choosing a Level 2 EVSE (aka Electric Car Charger)

Being very new to the electric vehicle (EV) game, I thought it would be useful to share the biggest new-EV-owner pain point for me that I’ve solved (still working on the range anxiety thing :)); Level 2 home charging. Technically, I didn’t need to solve this immediately because the portable EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) that came with my Mach-E […]

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Net Metering Isn’t a Subsidy

There have been several oddly similar anti-net metering op-eds floating around the national newspapers recently. I say “oddly similar” because they tend to repeat the same talking points, argued with little factual backing, with a clear intent to invoke an emotional “that’s not fair” response from readers using class-based rhetoric around how the scheme is a “subsidy” for the rich. […]

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Instant Torque Is Electric

I often find that the key to solving a problem, both personally, and professionally, is to complain out-loud. Sometimes, simply the act of making the necessary noises in a public way is enough to provide the nudge I needed towards resolution. I like to think that it’s because the act of articulating the issue, helps me solve it because I […]

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