Radioshack 15-1892: Indoor Antenna w/ RF Remote

Radioshack 15-1892

  Radioshack 15-1892: Indoor Antenna w/ RF Remote Today I am taking a look at the Radioshack 15-1892 Indoor Antenna. This is one of the many antennas available at Radioshack. I'm hoping it can improve my reception quality in my first floor apartment. In an urban/suburban area distance to the towers isn't always the only issue, multipath rejection can play […]

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Seasonic M12 500W Modular Power Supply

Seasonic M12 Box and PSU

Seasonic M12 500W Modular Power Supply Today I am taking a look at the Seasonic M12 500W power supply. The Seasonic M12 is the first modular power supply to be offered by Seasonic. Quiet, cool, stable and modular it has the potential to be a killer solution for use in a Home Theater PC. Let's find out how well it […]

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XLobby Partners with Calrad Electronics…Development to Ramp Up

Steven Hanna at XLobby has announced that Calrad Electronics will be partnering with XLobby. They have hired Steven to resume development of the product and will be releasing a commercial version of XLobby in the future. Much speculation is going on over at the XLobby forums about what will happen over the coming months. Beta versions w/ expiration dates will […]

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Using a Dremel to mod your case

Dremel in the box

For Christmas this year, I received a new power supply for my HTPC. But lo and behold, when I opened up my PC to swap power supplies, it didn’t fit. What was I to do? I could have returned the perfectly good power supply and swapped it for a different model which would fit…or I could go to the hardware […]

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NETFLIX to offer online streaming content – no extra charge

In a bold move, Netflix will offer free streaming of movies to its subscribers. Entry level ($5.99) plan subscribers will recieve 6 hours of free streaming per month. Unlimited 3-at-Once ($17.99) subscribers will recieve 18 hours of free streaming per month. Initial offerings will consist of about 1000 titles and Netflix is claiming DVD-quality images if you have a 3 Mbit/s […]

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HD DVD Title and Volume Keys Released

Title and Volume Keys for HD DVD are now floating around the internet. There are also reports of movies showing up on pirate torrents. Currently no response from the movie industry has been seen in the press. We'll have to wait and see whether or not the existing software players will have their keys revoked and if the industry plans […]

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