October 12th Blu-ray Releases

Home Forums MissingRemote Playground October 12th Blu-ray Releases

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  • #25729

    Original Article Link

    I was planning to give you cr@p about nominating the same movie twice, but you sort of covered yourself.  Add that to the fact that the other movies are almost entirely unknown (minus Rudolph, of course) and I suppose it’s understandable.  Although, I’d probably have gone with Rudolph, instead.  ;D

    Mike Garcen

      yeah, talk about a brutal week for movies. Some other folks have reco’d the How to blah blah Dragon…but i think everyone knows that movie is not part of my cup of tea 🙂


      I’ve been telling my wife that I will buy The Hangover for her, but according to someone on blu-ray.com, this new version is the same disc as the original with different packaging/artwork and the CD as pointed out here.

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