Jailbreak your Tesla

Adding to the list of things that should be obvious, but I just haven’t thought about: Teslas can be jailbroken to provide features [back] that shouldn’t have been taken away. People have certain expectations when they buy a car. For example, they expect it to work for years afterwards needing only basic maintenance. They also expect that the purchase price […]

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Humon, make of the Hex, shuts down…

It’s always disappointing when something neat goes away, and I would definitely classify the Human Hex muscle oxygen sensor in that group. In some ways, it could be a better indicator that heart rate for most of what we use heart rate for; whether running or cycling. Ultimately, I can also see why they weren’t able to make it though. […]

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Resonado Flat Core Speaker Tech Sounds Very Slick

Resonado‘s Flat Core speaker is definitely more on the “interesting technology that I hope to see come to market” side of things than we usually cover, but given the potential to create really neat speaker shapes, I think it’s worth a mention. They do seem to be more focused on mobile (e.g. laptop, phones, tablets, etc) than home, or home […]

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