Piper Z-Wave Security Camera System

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      Came across this on another site and thought it looked pretty cool.  I’m mainly curious what Andrew’s (being the z-wave home automation guru he is) opinion on it is.  Trying to figure out if I want to dip my toes into a z-wave setup with this project.  http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/piper-smart-elegant-security-and-home-automation


        I’m only seeing this post now, but also had come across Piper awhile ago and have been keeping an eye on it since. I was previously planning on waiting for news from MiCasaVerde regarding new Vera devices, but now I’m somewhat more interested in the upcoming cellular version of the Piper. 




          Glad to see Piper finally got some coverage here in the CES article, I was beginning to think nobody else cared hehe. 

          Hopefully by the time the cellular version is released, they’ll have added some of the other features I feel are lacking with their offering right now (it’s new though, so I don’t blame them at all and so far the rate at which they’ve been releasing things is pretty impressive). I was hoping I could use it by itself controller wise, but perhaps using it in tandem with a Vera device might be more my thing, especially if MiCasaVerde is making their UI more friendly.

          Right now here’s the things that bug me about it, though none are actually deal breakers. Not gonna put lack of cellular version on this list since that’s on its way:

          1. Mediocre image quality, no night vision
          2. No possibility for monitoring (yet – this is on their list of future possibilities I believe)
          3. Limited Z-wave component compatibility (so far – they’re working on this so we’ll see. could impact my Vera decision)
          4. No remote video storage
          5. No web portal/desktop version
          6. No sunrise/sunset triggers
          7. No two-way audio (not a big deal)
          8. I’m not sure about multiple users

            I will get with Andrew and see what we can do to help with this and see if we can get a review unit to get a hands on. We have some good contact. Thanks for the input guys. Andrew was like a kid in a candy store at the Home Automation stuff at CES. He got me excited about it too. 


              So looks like Blacksumac (makers of Piper) got bought by iControl. Should be interesting to see what impact that has. 


              Also, looks like they added two-way audio support.

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