Both Amazed and Disappointed with Hidef DVDs

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    So, I was over at Circuit City (getting my PS2 fixed) and my GF was over at one of the displays (the ones with coaches in front of them) and was checking out POTC: At World’s End (Blue Ray). We sat down and checked it and were both amazed at how gorgeous it was but at the same time totally disappointed by that same thing as well. The movie totally lacked any sort of “atmosphere” that the regular DVD version had; it was like watching the actors on the beach doing the scene which totally took us out of it the whole “feel” of the movie. Because of how good they looked they lacked the whole “suspended disbelief” that the DVD version had.

    Suffice to say she didn’t like it and wasn’t very keen on going BR/HD DVD because of it and I have to agree with her. Sure, the movie looks ten times better but it looks “too good” and I just hope that all HD DVD/BR movies aren’t like this because I couldn’t get into the movie at all.

    This pretty much killed any hope I had for getting one of those LG dual format players; please, tell me this isn’t the case for the other POTC movies (cause she loves them and if it’s just this one then I might be able to sell her on it) and other hidef DVDs in general cause I [i]want[/i] to love it but I also want to enjoy it and be able to get into the movie.

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