you can do it inside. I

Home Forums you can do it inside. I


    you can do it inside. I promise, i have worked in 2 story houses, 1 story houses, 20’s homes, homes with basements and with out, plaster walls and drywall…


    all can be retro fitted with speaker wire….


    monoprices CL2 rated 16g wire is great for small speakers, the longer the run the bigger the wire needs to be….. 14g is a good utility speaker wire… long runs and higher watts will be fine.


    if you are dead set on going outside, use the gray conduit and glue every joint.  make sure to have the opening and exit of the conduit in a juction box on the side of the house.

    it will work, but if you ever sell the house the new owners are going to be like “what the hell?”