That’s very similar if not

Home Forums That’s very similar if not


    That’s very similar if not almost the exact same memory I’m using that’s failing MemTest86, except they’re 2GB DIMMs instead of 4GB.  The specs and model appear to be identical, except for the capacity. The latency and voltage are the same as yours.

    The question now is what do I do next?  I could get another pair of 1GB DIMMs, but I’d like to bump it up to at least 6GB.  I’m wondering if I should contact tech support at either Corsair or Intel or both to see what they would suggest.

    I liked it so much better when you could go out and just buy another pair of DIMMs when you wanted to increase your capacity.  Memory comes in so many flavors these days that it’s extremely difficult to find some that matches your system unless you have a list of recommended DIMMs from the motherboard manufacturer.  The Intel board has no such list associated with it and I couldn’t find any specific recommendations on their website either.