So the main reason is a

Home Forums So the main reason is a


    So the main reason is a lifespan issue. I am ok with that and everything I have read on the Web and TGB seems like a lot of people have gone this route.

    My experiment

    So I went and moved my recording drive to my C drive which had about 50 gig available. It is a Kingston SSD. An older one with out the speeds of the Vertex.

    I fired up every tuner (6) I had and they all worked fine. About the time I got to scheduling the sixth recording the guide was a little laggy. Anyways, the recordings worked great. Once in the guide, channel switching, ffd, rrw and skipping was smoother than it ever has been. No artifacts while watching any of them while they were recording.

    But the strange thing was that when I changed my recorded tv to my SSD it told me I had only 3 hours of TV available. Well I knew that I could easily fit close to 7 or 8 hours based on the worse case I have seen of 7.5 Gigs per hour.

    So towards the end of the hour I chose another six hours to record. The guide gave me the little yellow icon telling me there would not be enough space. But they all started to record and about a half our into it with 30 gig of space the system started popping up an error for each show and cancelled the recording due to lack of space. What gives? I noticed two of the shows had moved off to WHS. So that is a plus, knowing that they move soon after they stop recording.

    So now it comes down to why did WMC stop recording with 30 gig of space left.

    When I get that HDPlex case I am planning on putting the OS and programs on a 40gig drive and then I’ll use the 120 gig Kingston for recording. I think with access to the full drive I should not run into that huge buffer requirement and it will have enough space to work with while it moves files off to WHS.
