Re: Pay TV LOSES Customers For The First Time Ever

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    All I know is come this Wednesday Verizon is going to lose about $50 per month from me.  That’s when I get my CableCARD installed for my Ceton tuner.  I’ll end up dropping three CableCARDS, two standard def STBs and one HD STB.  I will also be dropping HBO after discovering it had gone up to a whopping $22.99 per month.  Some people can get basic cable for less than that!

    I like the few shows I record off HBO but I never watch any of their movies since I have a NetFlix subscription (also for less money).  There isn’t anything on HBO I can’t download for free or get through NetFlix.  With so many online choices these days it’s a wonder TV providers can stay afloat with what they charge.  I think I get well over 300 channels with my subscription, but I doubt I watch more than a dozen of them.  Rather than lump so many useless channels together in a single package I’d rather see the providers offer more meaningful groupings of channels that I’d actually watch.  I think people are simply fed up with paying so much for a product they don’t use that often.