Re: Blog: I bought a new HDTV…and it`s not 3D

Home Forums Re: Blog: I bought a new HDTV…and it`s not 3D


couldn’t help but chuckling when i read this user’s comment…”Went to 2 Best Buys and it was by far the worse looking TV on the wall out of the 50 or so on display.”

still surprising to see it at such a low rating, but hey…that’s one person’s opinion 🙂 i’m loving it so far (of course, i did upgrade from…well, you know :-P)

That’s the kind of person you can sell even a bottom of the line LCD to because it gets eye burning bright and has pumped up neon colors. And they’ve heard “Plasmas run hot” and “have issues with images on the screen.” They’ve never heard of black level or seem to notice the crushed highlights/lowlights, etc.