Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition

Home Forums Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition


That seems absurdly high.  I think I watch a lot of TV at the moment and I’m at maybe an hour on the weekdays and 2 hours on the weekends.

With 2 CETON tuners, 5 petabyte servers, and a dozen clients you only record a few hours of TV a week?

I’m guessing that is per household. With 4 people in my house watching Chase and No Ordinary family that racked up 8 hours right there. I’m sure the kids had about 30 – 45 minutes of cartoons during breakfast so I can see 9 + hours a day easily.

I would think for most of the people on this site who spend a lot of time and money on putting our media networks together also use them.