Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition

Home Forums Re: 80% of TV viewing in U.S. is still in standard definition


    If the average household is around 3-4 people, 9.25 hours a day isn’t really out of line.  If you figure most people watch prime time TV between the hours of 8 and 11 and everyone has their own TV, I could see how that amount could easily be met or exceeded.  My wife has Fox news on all day long so she probably hits that number all on her own.  I know lots of people that leave the TV on all the time even though they’re primarily using it for background noise with little actual viewing time.

    I get up early and watch a 1-hour show before leaving for work while eating my breakfast.  I watch another 1-hour show when I come home for lunch (I’m only 5 minutes from my office).  When I get home I’m probably good for at least another 3-4 hours of programming with breaks in between to see what’s happening at the missingremote and other forums.  Keep in mind that I record everything and skip the commercials so you can knock 30-35% of the total hours off my actual viewing time.