Josh, I certainly appreciate

Home Forums Josh, I certainly appreciate



    I certainly appreciate the logic behind quality audio/video gear, however, I’m a little skeptical about the overall experience that I will get out of MP3s or streaming audio from a smart phone or a laptop.  Were my source components and music of a higher standard then I’d have no problem dishing out the necessary clams to complete the deal with good speakers but I’m dealing with relatively low end audio from the Samsung phone and Acer laptop.  That’s why I set the $50 limit.  


    I have a hard time keeping those open type buds in my ears for some reason.  Maybe I just don’t understand how to insert them, dunno?  The only issue that I have with closed ear buds (and it’s not like I’ve dealt with a lot of these things, BTW) is that I need to equalize my ears occasionally if I’m wearing them for extended periods.  It’s kind of like scuba diving in a way.  So when weighing the issues as I’ve experienced them I’m leaning heavily towards the type of bud that you jamb into your ear canal until it’s right next to your brain.  At least they tend to stay put in my experience. 

    After surfing around a little the ThinkSounds that Michael initially suggested look to be the buds of choice.  Plus I’ve been needing to buy one of those jalapeno pepper corers and Amazon has those as well so I can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.  Also I will certainly use the link to Amazon which is so conveniently provided for our use.

    Thanks for all the replies.